Wednesday, September 4, 2013

This Complete Breakfast

My two girlies are going back to school today! Waaaahhhhh!!!

It'll just be Mr. Boy and me together all day long, shuttling dinosaurs around in dump trucks, wondering how Winkerbean and Sweet Pea are faring. I'm probably more nervous and excited than they are. What freaks me out the most is that my little sprouts are coming out of the greenhouse and going out into the unpredictable weather of public school. I don't know what they'll see or hear. I don't know if the other kids will like them or pick on them. They could come home with weird ideas! Or… they might just have a great time and learn some stuff. Who can really say?

Time to claim Philippians 4:6-7 one more time. 

"…do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.  And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

Because guess what… and I'm speaking mostly to myself right now (The Captain has learned never to interrupt me when myself and I are talking)—my little sprouts have got to leave the protection of the greenhouse sometime and start to put down roots; and they're going to come into contact with dirt! Healthy dirt, yucky dirt. All kinds of experiences, even negative ones, are part of shaping them into mature and fruitful people. 

I can't control everything that happens to them.

But I can do my part to prepare them. I can do more than make them the most delectable peanut butter-and-honey sandwiches and write their names in a rainbow of Sharpie colors on every pencil box, folder, eraser, and crayon (yes I did). I can pray for them. I can pray with them. I can pray over them. And I can feed them a good breakfast of carbs, protein, and Scripture.  

I'm going to let you in on our breakfast discussions, as I ask the Holy Spirit to provide me with just a little takeaway that I can give them during breakfast each day. I pray that God will impress the truth of that Scripture upon their hearts as they go about their school day. Even the public schools have realized that kids function much better when they start the day with balanced nourishment. As a result, the schools in our district—maybe yours too—are now serving a breakfast to each child every day, even the ones who've already eaten at home! (I'm going to refrain from venturing my opinion on whether they've actually achieved "balanced nourishment" because that isn't the point.) Even more than physical food, I feel strongly that spiritual food is so important for my Short People. 

Look for our discussions under the "This Complete Breakfast" tab if you'd like to follow the organized links rather than scrolling through posts. ;) And if mornings aren't your thing, they make good bedtime conversations too. I love breakfast at night! My kidlets are elementary school age, so the discussions are based on that maturity level. Of course, feel free to adapt them to your kids! I hope you find them useful. Don't be shy… pass them on if they're a blessing to you. And I love to read your comments!

Here's Day 1, about one of our favorite verses... Joshua 1:9. I thought it fitting to discuss fear on the first day of school!

"This is my command--be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the LORD your God is with you wherever you go." —Joshua 1:9

What does it mean to be courageous?

It doesn't mean not having fear. It means being willing to face your fear, because you know there's something bigger than what you're afraid of.

Did you know that even Jesus was afraid sometimes? The night before he died on the cross, he prayed and asked God his Father if there was some other way to save people from their sin. He asked if God would change his mind and not make him go through the pain of dying. But God didn't change his mind. He wanted Jesus to go through with it, because his love for us was bigger than his fear of being in pain. So he faced the cross, and he beat death! He won!

What are you afraid of today?

God can help you be courageous and face that fear. He may not take away your fear, but he will give you the strength to go through it. Is it because you are suddenly going to become strong? No. It's because HE is with you, wherever you go. At the end, you'll be able to say, "I was able to be brave because God was with me and helped me."

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