Monday, September 9, 2013

Temptations Are God's Idea?

This Complete Breakfast - Day 4
This is part of a series of morning discussions I have with my sweet girlies before school. Feel free to join us, pass it on to a friend, or leave us a comment. I hope you have a blessed day!

No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he 
will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide 
the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it. —1 Corinthians 10:13

Imagine that you're sitting in school and your teacher hands out a test. 

On this test are questions about everything you've been taught so far. The number of questions you get right on this test will show how much you've really learned, and how much you've forgotten. Also imagine that right next to you is the answer key. You know, the teacher's book where all the answers are written in pink? It's sitting right there. All you have to do to get 100% on the test is open that book and look at the answers. All you have to do is cheat.

The "temptation" that this verse is talking about can be both of those things. 

Sometimes it can be like a test… a test that shows how strong your faith is, or how well you obey God when he asks you to do something hard (that's known as character). Other times it can be an enticement to sin, where you have to make a choice between right and wrong.  When does temptation happen? When people around us are sinning. When something bad or scary happens. When what's easiest isn't always what's best. This is hard stuff! There will be both tests and chances to sin, and we have to make a choice how we will respond with our attitudes and actions. How are we going to manage it?

This verse is reassuring, because it tells us three great things. 

1. There isn't a single test or sin choice that hasn't already happened to somebody else. 
Many other people are facing the same hard choices we face. In fact, the Bible even tells us that Jesus himself was tempted in all of the same things, but never sinned. What a great comfort that Jesus knows exactly what we're going through!

2. God won't ever make you face a temptation that is too hard to overcome. 
That means he won't put a 12th grade exam in front of you if you're only in third grade! It also means that you won't be too baffled to make the right call when it comes down to whether to sin or obey. The right choice will be clear. Even if you don't have the strength by yourself to do the right thing, he will give you the power to do it.

3.   There will always be an escape route out of trouble. 
God will provide you with a new destination, a path that takes you in the right direction, away from sin and away from danger… toward success.

Temptations—both tests and chances to sin—don't have to turn out badly. They are God's idea, for our good! Like a great teacher and Dad, God isn't just going to fill our heads with nice facts about himself and how great it is to obey him. He's going to give us chances to try them out in obedience, to see that they really work. This increases our faith in him. Don't be scared of temptation and trials. These can be awesome times that bring great glory to God! 

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