Monday, August 26, 2013

How To Say "I Love You" Using Mad Libs!

I'm sure you've seen those charts about "How to Formulate the Perfect Insult" circulating on the internet. You know, the ones where you mix and match. I find those funny right up until someone actually uses one of those phrases on another human being. Words have power! I decided I'd kill two birds with one stone in this post (not that I want to kill birds). 
First, I want to spread a little creative positivity out there. People need more of that, myself included. There are enough ways to insult others, but there can never be enough ways to build others up. 

Especially those we love most!

Second, I want to give a boost to the romantically challenged. This can be men OR women! If the love of your life is someone who craves freshness and change to add vitality to your relationship, then chances are you're the person who would be content to keep doing everything the same, day after day, until you DIE. (You can probably tell which kind of person I am!) It's not that a good old-fashioned "I love you" is ever outdated. It's great to say that! But there are countless other ways to express the same sentiment that will keep it interesting. Take on my creativity, okay? Own it! Call it a "cheat sheet" if you want. Yes, finally a head start for YOU when it comes to being romantic. (And here's a nerdy thought: There are at least 720 unique love expressions possible, just from what's here. After you customize and add to the lists, the possibilities are endless!)

I'm sure you already figured this out...

...but I'm just going to state the obvious. Don't show this cheat sheet to the object of your affection! Get your phrase ready beforehand and say it a few times first. Then let 'em have it! Be prepared to have to explain yourself the first few times you let one of these fly. Doe-eyed sincerity is the key. Never, I repeat, NEVER use these phrases to butter somebody up, or they'll lose their magic! Okay, go be fresh!

     (List A)    , I     (List B)     you. I think you're     (List C)    . 


Hey sexy
You should know
Just in case I haven't told you today
By the way
Never forget
Not to sound redundant, but
Just a quick reminder
MEMO from me
(Insert their name)


deeply respect
have a crush on
am obsessed with
am so attracted to
am so amazed by


the best friend/lover ever
definitely my favorite human being
more than I deserve
such a treasure
uniquely brilliant
the best thing since (insert something awesome here)

Here's a cheat sheet you can pin or print:

I'd love to hear about it if this worked well for you. Leave me a comment! :D

1 comment:

  1. My wife actually blushed when I used this on her. Printing this!
